Graeme Road

Land development and option agreement

3 plots of back land, Enfield.

This recent project in Enfield town comprised of 3 plots of back land, subject to a series of set backs this deal seemed unlikely to close but we eventually managed to make it over the line. The final agreement was finalised via two separate option agreements. One option agreement contained two plots and was communicated through one representative these are marked plots 1 and 2 on the OS map (below). The second option agreement was for one plot marked as plot 3.

We fully understand and appreciate that not every person is in need of finance or may wish to sell their land but in most instances a deal can arranged that will suit all parties involved. As in this instance, where the two of the plots were disused and overgrown containing two old garages, and the third plot contained a unused outhouse structure. The sale of this land meant the owner could pay off a settlement, thus avoiding the need to sell their long-term home and relocate. The owner even managed to develop her home out into the new boundary lines created after the ownership transfer.

Initially on this deal we had interest from the first two plots marked 1 and 2 but after some investigation we quickly realised that we needed plot 3 to have enough depth to site to achieve the correct level of garden space as per planning requirements. At this point we approach plot 3 and deal was successfully complete.

On this occasion we did not include a planning overage in the option agreement as the target was set on achieving planning for two 4 bedroom homes only, due to reduced timelines so a 12 month option agreement was signed. We will always discuss and keep the sellers in the loop throughout the planning process and all relevant information will be fed back immediately. We pride ourselves on communication during this stage of a project, and form a seller point of view this is always appreciated.