Buying Land - Our process explained

1. How we identify that your land has potential for development

We would locate the property using online services like google maps and do further investigating using ordinance survey maps where we are able to measure site to find out its suitability. Title deeds are purchased so a letter can be sent to the land owner to show our interest in the property in question.

2. Once we receive a response from the land owner or owners

At this point we would discuss our thoughts/ findings with the land owner and give an indication on what we believe the land could be worth prior to development, quite often than not we would offer an overage agreement, an overage agreement is a scheme where a base line price will be in place with an overage so we we can achieve a better level of planning better profit then we would factor this onto the end sale price meaning better land sale for the customer.

(Ie planning for 1 house land would be worth x planning for 2 houses land would be worth y and planning for 3 houses land would be worth y. )

This type of scheme would unlock the potential for the highest value for the land in question.

3. Signing option agreement

Once a sale price has been agreed all parties would sign an option agreement via a Solisitor with agreed terms and costs . A typical example of this would be to allow the buyer (us) a period of time to obtain planning permission generally 6 months 12 months 18 months timescales would vary depending on the scheme in question. Once signed and the agreed level of planning permission has been granted the developer/ land agent has the option to purchase the land at the agreed price before the option agreement time expires. Please remember how ever unlikely it may be the developer has the option to purchase the land but dont legally have to execute payment of the option agreement.

4. Payment

All payments for land would be made via bank transfer and by the use of a solicitor where land ownership will be transferred to the developer. Developer can commence worth when ever they please

Example of a recent land purchase comprising of 3 back land plots purchased under separate option agreements.